The Wilton Fire District Board of Directors meet on the third (3rd) Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM open session, at District Firehouse #81, 9800 Dillard Road in Wilton, California. The Board is comprised of five (5) Elected Officers who serve on either a four (4) year or two (2) year basis.

Contacts – Elected Officials

To communicate with your elected officials of the Wilton Fire Protection District, our District Board Members can be reached at the following phone number or e-mail addresses:

Joe Guardino – Chair:

Betsy Hite – Vice Chair:

Mark Creager
(916) 687-6920

Board Agenda

The Wilton Fire Protection Division Board regular meetings are open to the public.

Board Agenda (PDF)

Board Minutes

The Wilton Fire Protection District Board Minutes include general announcements, communication from the public, and staff reports.

Board Minutes (PDF)